CSB Boys Club
Christian Service Brigade (CSB)
Christian Service Brigade is a ministry dedicated to Gospel-oriented discipleship of boys by the men of the local church, primarily expressed through the weekly meeting. This simple, male-exclusive gathering provides a consistent time and place within busy lives, ensuring the building of Christ-like men of every generation. Our ministry is designed to develop young men mentally, spiritually, physically, and socially. Our passion and purpose at CSB is to build Christ-like men and teach young men to be leaders of the church. Our motto is “Bright and Keen for Christ.”
The CSB group at Faith Evangelical Missionary Church meets on Mondays at 7:00 P.M., at the church. Our ministry serves young men aged 8-18 years. Within the CSB ministry, Stockade serves boys aged 8-11, and Battalion serves young men aged 12-18. A typical CSB meeting includes a Post Meeting (small group discipleship time), Games, and Story Circle (large group devotional time). Throughout the year, we also complete woodworking projects and participate in events with other CSB groups from throughout central and southern Ontario. Annual events include a Shape n’ Race car derby, for which boys design and build their own wooden race cars.
The Christian Service Brigade group at Faith Evangelical Missionary Church is operated by a team of dedicated volunteers. All of the men who volunteer and lead on a weekly basis have completed Faith Evangelical Missionary Church’s Risk Management training program.
The CSB group at Faith Evangelical Missionary Church is affiliated with Christian Service Brigade Canada and teaches the doctrines of the Evangelical Missionary Church of Canada (see What We Believe).
CSB at a Glance
Boys aged 8-18 (grades 3 to 12)
Games, stories, projects, and much more!
Faith Evangelical Missionary Church
1355 River Road West
Wasaga Beach, Ontario L9Z 2W6
Mondays from 7:00 PM until 8:20 PM, concurrent with the school year and excepting holidays
Training young men to be Godly leaders
How can I find out more?
Visit the Christian Service Brigade website for a more complete mission statement:
Experience CSB firsthand! Come out to a Monday night meeting.
Sign up for news bulletins and announcements:
Email faithemc@rogers.com and ask to receive emails from Christian Service Brigade.
Call the church office to register:
Christian Service Brigade – Building Godly Men of Today and Tomorrow
Authorization and Medical Consent Form For Children and Youth Sept 2019
Group lessons, stories, devotions, and more.
Active time with lots of sports, running and laughter.