Rubber Meet Road - Pastor David Dunn

Welcome this morning to our Sunday Service. We have some lovely artistic additions to this service so we hope that you are moved as you watch today. Keep in mind that in the coming month we will be moving towards a live-stream approach to Sundays. More news will come in the following weeks on that.

0:00 - Artistic Interpretation of "Rescue" by Lauren Daigle - the Primmers
3:51 - I'm Going Free (Jailbreak) - led by the Langmans
8:00 - At the Cross (Love Ran Red) - led by the Langmans
13:00 - "Rubber Meet Road" - by Pastor David Dunn
32:39 - Filling Station - by Elizabeth Bishop read by David Dunn
35:20 - Breathe on Me Breath of God (Trentham) - led by the Langmans
38:12 - Benediction - Pastor David Dunn

"Peace to the near and the far" - Mike Stanley

This week we have a special speaker in Mike Stanley, who is one of our elders, preaching from Ephesians. We also have some music for you, but no virtual faith steps.

0:00 - God of Wonders - led by Luke, Heidi, Caleb, and Abbie
4:39 - Crown Him (Majesty) - led by Luke, Heidi, Caleb, and Abbie 
9:51 - "Peace to the near and the far" - Mike Stanley
57:57 - Who Am I - led by Pastor David Dunn

10 Images of the Church

Welcome again to Faith Missionary Church Wasaga's Sunday Service!

We hope you are having a good long weekend and finding some rest and sunshine. There will be no zoom group after the service today, as we are trying to figure out how to be many things to many people. We still encourage you to call and share life with each other today, tomorrow, and throughout the week.
VBC Announcement:
Pick up VBC 'Train Track Packs' from the church for your neighbours / grandkids on Wednesday, August 12 from 10am-12pm or 7-8pm.  Home drop off available for FaithKids families.  Call church office for more details.

0:07 - VBC Announcement - Hippo Heidi and Rocky
3:45 - Announcements - Pastor Graham Gaessler 
7:17 - Church (Take Me Back)- Luke, Heidi, Caleb, and Abbie Langman
10:42 - Your Name - Luke, Heidi, Caleb, and Abbie Langman
13:41 - Sermon "10 Images of the Church" - Pastor Graham Gaessler
42:41 - I Will Wait - Pastor David Dunn

Looking at Church

Welcome again to Faith Missionary Church Wasaga's Sunday Service!
We hope you are having a good long weekend and finding some rest and sunshine. There will be no zoom group after the service today, but we still encourage you to call and share life with each other today, tomorrow, and throughout the week.

0:07 - Announcements - Pastor Graham Gaessler
5:53 - Who you say I am - Luke, Heidi, Caleb, William, Annalee, and Abbie
10:12 - Beautiful - Luke, Heidi, Caleb, and Abbie Langman
14:09 - Sermon "Looking at Church" - Pastor Graham Gaessler
47:25 - Better is one day - Celina Dunn

Sermon on the Mount

Welcome again to Faith Missionary Church Wasaga's Sunday Service!
This morning is a fair bit unique and we hope that the change of pace is welcomed. We will be going through the sermon on the mount as a whole while reflecting and responding with praise. Also, there will be an opportunity to share communion after the service at 11am via zoom, see below.
Join Us "After the Service" @ 11am on zoom for a communion gathering:
Meeting ID: 867 8271 9256

0:07 - Intro - Pastor Graham Gaessler
5:03 - Word of God Speak - Luke, Heidi, and Abbie Langman
6:52 - Matt 5:2b-16 - Pastor Graham Gaessler
9:49 - Shine - Pastor David Dunn
14:24 - Matt 5:17-48 - Pastor Graham Gaessler
20:29 - Oh! To Be Like Thee - Pastor David Dunn
22:19 - 6:1 until Lord's Prayer - Pastor Graham Gaessler
24:15 - The Lord's Prayer - Luke, Heidi, Caleb, and Abbie Langman
29:09 - Matt 6:14-34 - Pastor Graham Gaessler
33:12 - Enough - Luke, Heidi, Caleb, and Abbie Langman
39:09 - Matt 7:1-27 - Pastor Graham Gaessler
40:09 - The Solid Rock - Luke, Heidi, Caleb, and Abbie Langman
43:31 - Benediction - Pastor Graham Gaessler

Hard Words

Welcome again to Faith Missionary Church Wasaga's Sunday Service!
This morning we have a couple different musicians and Pastor Graham shares a much anticipated message. Join Us "After the Service" @ 11am on zoom:
Meeting ID: 833 8921 7848

0:20 - For the Beauty of the Earth - Luke and Abbie Langman
3:25 - Every Word You Say - Luke and Abbie Langman
6:55 - Hard Words - Pastor Graham Gaessler
32:50 - Seek First - Pastor David Dunn

Narrow Minded

Welcome again to Faith Missionary Church Wasaga's Sunday Service!

This morning we hope that you find some time to rest in His presence and listen for His voice.
Join Us "After the Service" @ 11am on zoom:
Meeting ID: 847 3632 7649

0:00 - Beautiful Things - Pastor David Dunn
3:13 - Find Me - Pastor David Dunn
8:00 - Mighty to Save- Pastor David Dunn
10:42 - Narrow Minded - Pastor Graham Gaessler
39:17 - This Is My Father's World - The Celina Dunn

A Golden Acronym

Welcome again to Faith Missionary Church Wasaga's Sunday Service!

This morning we are glad to meet together, sing, and sink into God's word as He speaks to us.

Join Us "After the Service" @ 11am on zoom:
Meeting ID: 824 2002 6476

0:00 - Holy holy holy - Led by Luke, Heidi, Addie and Caleb Langman
3:48 - Ever Be - Led by Luke, Heidi, Addie and Caleb Langman
8:19 - Sermon "A Golden Acronym" with Pastor Graham
37:19 - I've Got a River of Life/Spring Up Oh Well - Led by Luke and the Kids.

To Prayer Is Human - Faith Wasaga's Sunday Service

Welcome again to Faith Missionary Church Wasaga's Sunday Service!

Today we have a packed morning with several announcements, including that it is Pastor Wilson's last Sunday with us as staff, now that he has retired once again.
David Jones shares an invitation to men of all ages. You can find the link mentioned here:
Join Us "After the Service" @ 11am on zoom:
Meeting ID: 812 5613 0687

0:06 - Men's Announcement with David Jones
3:42 - Church Announcement with Pastor Graham
7:40 - "Great Things" with Luke, Heidi, and Caleb Langman
12:18 - "Blessed Assurance" with Luke, Heidi, and Caleb Langman
17:00 - Scripture Reading with David Jones
19:28 - Sermon "To Prayer Is Human" with Pastor Graham
44:42 - "Good Good Father" with Luke, Heidi, Abbie, and Caleb Langman