Kingdom of God

No Need To Vow - Sermon On The Mount #8

Jesus addressed another cultural issue of his day, dishonesty. Honesty is part of the foundation for any healthy relationship. Jesus declares kingdom people are called to simple honesty. To live where your word is your bond and even your word may not be necessary. We are to live that way because that is how the people in Jesus' kingdom will be when the kingdom comes in full. We are called to live the full kingdom of God way, today.

Jesus Blessed Who - Sermon on the Mount Series #2

The opening statements of Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount are about the type of people Jesus taught were blessed by God. The kind of people who were and would experience in fuller measure God's favour. The striking thing was then, and still is today, the kind of people Jesus said were blessed. They were all the wrong people... What does this mean for us today?

Kingdom Talk, Acts series #2

During the 40 days between his resurrection and ascension, Jesus talked to his followers about the nature of His Kingdom. One key reason for this was that Jesus’ kingdom is far different in how it works than the kingdoms his followers or we today are used to. They had all sorts of wrong ideas about when it would come, who it was for, and how those within the kingdom were to live. This morning we’ll look at some of the things Jesus said about his ‘upside-down’ kingdom.