Ordinances of Faith

Baptism, Ordinances of Faith #2

Baptism has been practiced by the church from its very origin. Baptism is also something that some denominations argue over its meaning and practice. Today we look at Paul’s words to the church in Rome about the meaning of baptism. Baptism, Paul said, should remind them of an essential gospel truth. They are united with Christ, so when he died to sin… they died. When Jesus was raised… they too were raised to new life. Baptism is an outward ritual symbolizing an inward spiritual reality that has already taken place by grace through faith in Jesus. Baptism is a public testimony of a commitment to follow Jesus, our Lord and Saviour.

Communion, Ordinances of Faith #1

Communion is a ritual Jesus gave to His church to call us to unity in His work and commission. Unfortunately, at times it is something that divides Christians because of our different understandings or theologies surrounding Communion. This sermon looks at Paul’s instructions to the church in Corinth about their awful practice of Communion which was literally dividing the church. Through these instructions perhaps we can hear the Spirit speak to us about how Communion calls us to live in unity in Christ together as brothers and sisters.