Following Jesus

Evangelism for Normal People - Basic Practices #6

For many followers of Jesus sharing our faith is something most agree is something Christians should do, but many struggle with doing for all sorts of reasons. But what might evangelism for normal people look like? It would and should look like how Jesus did evangelism. How Jesus blessed and invited people into the Kingdom was based out of a foundation that is the same for His followers. Have your Bibles ready to skip through the gospel of John as we look at Jesus' pattern for doing evangelism.

Looking Like Jesus

God’s goal for those who follow Jesus is to shape them into Jesus’ image. What does a life in Jesus’ image look like? Jesus answered this in the midst of his words to his disciples following the Last Supper. Jesus is the vine, disciples are the branches … but what is the fruit God expects disciples to produce and is working in our lives so we produce more of? In this sermon, we reflect on Jesus’ analogy of life lived with Him and his commandment to love found in John 15:1-17.