Basic Practices

Evangelism for Normal People - Basic Practices #6

For many followers of Jesus sharing our faith is something most agree is something Christians should do, but many struggle with doing for all sorts of reasons. But what might evangelism for normal people look like? It would and should look like how Jesus did evangelism. How Jesus blessed and invited people into the Kingdom was based out of a foundation that is the same for His followers. Have your Bibles ready to skip through the gospel of John as we look at Jesus' pattern for doing evangelism.

Prayer Meeting - Basic Practices #5

Another of the basic practices of the early church was the practice\discipline of prayer. Prayer is simply conversation with God, which takes speaking and listening. In this message we look at some of the barriers to pray, why God wants us to pray, and some practical ideas to take a step, wherever you are, at incorporating prayer into your day to day, even moment by moment life.

Devoted and Empowered - Basic Practices #4

How did the early church grow from 120 to the approximately 2 billion today worldwide? The early church not only carried out some basic practices, but their attitude was of being devoted to Jesus through them and because of this they were empowered by the Holy Spirit. Our question, if we want to see God move more powerfully today, is are we willing to be devoted and empowered... even if it means God calls for us to change and sacrifice?

To Whom Are You Apprenticing Yourself? - Basic Practices #1

The early church devoted themselves to a set of basic practices that helped them fulfill Jesus' Great Commission and Great Commandment. While we live in a different culture and can't do things exactly as the early church did, we can still engage in the same practices, the first in our series being devotion to the teaching of the apostles. To apprentice ourselves to Jesus requires we know His teaching.