May 14, 2023 - Listen here for our Sunday morning sermon by Pastor Graham
The King has Come to a Wedding? - Gospel Road to Easter #1
The gospel is the good news message that Jesus of Nazareth was (and is) the promised Messiah\King of God's Kingdom. Proclaiming this message was the purpose for which the 4 accounts of Jesus' life we call gospels were written. As we approach Easter this year, we will look at how different events in the gospel of John reveal Jesus as King, and what kind of King he is, beginning with his first miracle, turning water into wine at a wedding celebration in Cana.
What Does our Gospel Produce?
In our culture, we have various flawed versions of the gospel. Each version of the gospel produces certain results in the lives of those that believe and follow them that fall short of the life Jesus invited people into through His good news message. In this sermon we will look at these flawed gospels in the light of Jesus’ gospel by looking at the fruit of each gospel in our lives.
Good News is Meant to be Shared
One can reason we can trust the resurrection of Jesus happened is because “nobody expected no body.” The resurrection of Jesus is such good news, how can we believe it and not be willing to share it with others.
Great Friday!
#4 of the “Go Fishing” series. A look at how God has been acting to share His life and love with humanity. Ultimately shown in the cross of Jesus, the gift of God invites us to lay our kingdoms down and surrender to Him.