
Why Pray? Sermon on the Mount #12

Most of us have had questions about the value, meaning and nature of prayer. Questions, at times, which lead us to wonder why pray, at least about some things. Jesus lived and taught as though prayer does matter, and matters greatly. Because God wants a relationship with us, where we spend our time with God, no matter what we are doing. When we do this, we are praying without ceasing.

Prayer Meeting - Basic Practices #5

Another of the basic practices of the early church was the practice\discipline of prayer. Prayer is simply conversation with God, which takes speaking and listening. In this message we look at some of the barriers to pray, why God wants us to pray, and some practical ideas to take a step, wherever you are, at incorporating prayer into your day to day, even moment by moment life.

David & Samuel

Samuel: An answer to his mother’s prayer, a judge over Israel, anointed David King over Israel. David: Served God passionately, sinned against God, was “a man after God’s own heart,” his “future was in God’s hands,” his heart longed for God.” How do you reconcile these statements about David? How do they reflect your experience with God?