Making Room for God

We are naive to think that just because God is at work, others around us will be happy and accepting of it. After being with Cornelius, the Roman centurion, and seeing God give the Holy Spirit to a group of Gentiles, Peter was rebuked by Jewish background Christians. Their attitudes could have stood in the way of what God was doing. Can we be in danger of the same kind of thinking and attitude today?

What Does Our Heavenly Father Want From Us?

Our Heavenly Father is loving, patient, forgiving, kind, a protector and a provider, but what does He want from us out of this amazing relationship?In this week's message we explore how it is God's desire for us to trust and obey Him, to use discernment and be vigilant in this life, and to be available to Him. Tune in as we look at these and other aspects that help grow our spiritual lives and our relationship with our Heavenly Father.

For All People - Acts Series #18

God's commission to take the good news message of Jesus to the ends of the earth would inevitably mean that Jewish background followers of Jesus, like Peter, would have to be confronted with their cultural views towards Gentiles. Peter had to get over his discomfort with Gentiles in order to take the message to them. God calls us to 'get over ourselves' in various ways as part of following Jesus. The simple, yet difficult path to doing this is to listen, trust and obey.

Breaking Barriers - Acts Series #16

After the death of Stephen, many followers of Jesus fled from Jerusalem yet continued to talk about Jesus wherever they went. When Samaritans received the message of Jesus and then received the Holy Spirit, the Jewish leaders realized they needed to break their old patterns of thinking to stay in line with what God was doing. Unfortunately, as we see in the example of Simon the sorcerer, old patterns can be hard to break... Yet, Peter and John's response to the Samaritans show that old patterns can break, if we submit ourselves to Jesus.

Upside Down Entrance: Upside Down Messiah #2 Series

The first followers of Jesus didn't believe in the resurrection as an idea, but as an event they had witnessed. Jesus' resurrection was not only the fulfillment of His promise to rise from the dead, but God's promises about the Messiah who would come to rescue humanity from sin and death and for a life of holiness with Him. How do we respond appropriately to this event? Live out our faith by making every effort we can to walk in God's promises to us, cooperating with what God has already done in and for us.