Jesus' call to His followers is to take enemies and seek to turn them into neighbours (those who we would invite to our table). After all, this is what God has done Himself towards all of humanity, because of His great love. The kind of perfect love Jesus modeled and commands His followers to exhibit as well... even towards enemies.
Maddeningly Impractical Sermon on the Mount #9
When wrongs are done, we want to see it made right in some way. One Old Testament expression of this was the law of retribution (eye for an eye, etc...), law intended to help curb violence or vengeance from spiraling out of control. Jesus calls his people to not settle for curbing vengeance, but to stop the cycle through showing grace, mercy, pity, love and compassion even to those who wrong you.
No Need To Vow - Sermon On The Mount #8
Jesus addressed another cultural issue of his day, dishonesty. Honesty is part of the foundation for any healthy relationship. Jesus declares kingdom people are called to simple honesty. To live where your word is your bond and even your word may not be necessary. We are to live that way because that is how the people in Jesus' kingdom will be when the kingdom comes in full. We are called to live the full kingdom of God way, today.
Marriage, Divorce & Remarriage - Sermon on the Mount #7
The church today is confused about when remarriage is permissible, because the church is confused about divorce, because the church is confused about marriage, because the church is confused about love. In this sermon, we try to unpack Jesus' words on divorce and remarriage, by getting to some foundations of love and marriage.
Run the Race of Faith
The life of Faith is the real relationship that we have with God through Christ that enables us to overcome sin, endure suffering for the sake of the Gospel and please the Father. It is the power of Christ in us that gives us the ability to do these things and to finish well to achieve the eternal hope in the end.
No Desire Without Love - Sermon on the Mount #6
Jesus, like in speaking about murder, speaks about the commandment against adultery as more than the external act, but the internal motivation at the root of the act. Anger leads to murder. Lust leads to adultery. Jesus taught the consequences of being controlled by our desires is eternally consequential. Any desire, apart from love of God and others will lead us astray.
Reconciliation, not Anger - Sermon on the Mount #5
Jesus fulfilled the law, not just by living it out, but by declaring it's full meaning. Jesus declared that the prohibition against murder was meant to go far deeper than just physical behaviour, but into our very attitudes. By not dwelling on anger, we would not be led to hurt anyone in anger, physically or otherwise. Reconciliation, not anger, Jesus declared to be the proper posture of His people in our broken relationships.
Spiritual Bondage - Emmanuel Bible College
In Jesus' conversation with some of his opponents, Jesus outlines four characteristics of those in spiritual bondage. The first being, people in spiritual bondage often don't see they actually are in bondage. How do we help ourselves stay free of bondage and even more, help others out as well. Listen to Dr. Roy's message from John's gospel.
Jesus, Law & You - Sermon on the Mount #4
These verses are not just a key to understanding how to read Jesus' whole sermon, but actually are the key for how we are to read the whole of the Old Testament. Jesus claimed to be the fulfillment of the Law and Prophets. What lessons can this give us in how to read the Bible so we hear Jesus?
Another Sermon on Salt and Light
Jesus' call for His followers to be salt and light is not a call to just be an influence, but to have an impact. Followers of Jesus are to have an impact on those around them because King Jesus is present within every follower of His. To be an impact we need to remember who we are in Christ.