
Living in Freedom

Teaching evangelist Lloyd Vandenburg brings a powerful message, based in Scripture and personal experience, about how to live free from the lies we believe. Lies will always lead us into bondage, but Jesus promises that if we know the truth, we can be set free. Being free takes Faith in what God’s says about us, Radical humility, Extravagant grace from God, and Extracting the poisonous influences from our lives.

Surrender, Steps to Freedom #1

We all have things in our life where we feel stuck. Attitudes, behaviours or character qualities that keep us from living the life we know we want and is good, but we just keep on doing. The biblical principles to finding freedom reflected in the famous 12 steps of Alcoholics Anonymous work because they align with God’s design and plan for our freedom. The first step is the hardest. Surrendering our way, our life to Jesus’ way and life. To do this we need to admit that there is a God, and it is not us.