Psalm 49
Examine, Steps to Freedom #3
Work your way through this message in dealing with guilt, accepting responsibility, asking God for forgiveness, admitting your faults to another person, accepting God’s forgiveness, and forgiving yourself.
David and the Census
Where should our value, identity, and security in life come from? Who or what should we rely upon? As human beings we will depend upon, put our faith in, what we see our strength to be. David’s decision to take a census and his response afterwards speaks to us about living a life of faith in God.
David & Nathan
How can someone who commits adultery and murder be called a person after God’s own heart? Being after God’s own heart is not about our performance, but our response to God’s heart. When God confronted David over his sins, David did what people after God’s heart do. He didn’t just admit his sin, he confessed and repented. If we want a heart after God’s, we need to make healthy confession a regular practice in our relationship with God and others.
David & Saul
What do we tend to do in difficult situations? David had the choice to do things his way or God’s way. What can we learn from David and Saul’s relationship about learning to live Jesus’ way instead of ours?