Genesis 19- 21; John 5:39-40; 6:14-15
Confess, Steps of Freedom #4
After surrender, commit and examine comes the step of confession. Confession means to admit what is really happening in our lives, good, bad and ugly. This requires being vulnerable and open with God, ourselves, and at least one other person, so that there is someone (or a group of someones) know everything about your life.
David & Nathan
How can someone who commits adultery and murder be called a person after God’s own heart? Being after God’s own heart is not about our performance, but our response to God’s heart. When God confronted David over his sins, David did what people after God’s heart do. He didn’t just admit his sin, he confessed and repented. If we want a heart after God’s, we need to make healthy confession a regular practice in our relationship with God and others.
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Becoming like Jesus means putting off our sinful attitudes, behaviors & character (ABC’s) qualities as we also seek to put on the ABC’s of Jesus. Confession is a key spiritual discipline to help us put off sin while making room for us to put on the life of Christ.